Social Media Marketing for your Bay Area Company
Social media marketeers and site users are all abuzz about the popular new(ish) site Pinterest. What is Pinterest exactly? It’s basically a virtual cork board, where users can curate images by topic categories. Popular categories include home design, cool cars, and recipes. Users can “pin” images from anywhere on the internet to their pinboards.
Why it matters for your business
It’s visual
Nowadays, the internet is jam-packed with tons of stuff – content galore. The easiest way to cut through the noise is through photos and images. Pinterest is so successful because it is image-based. You can use Pinterest to get attention for your business in new ways.
Drives website traffic
Images on Pinterest act as links – if someone clicks on a photo, it will take them to the website that the photo was pinned from. So if you pin images from your website and/or blog, you can help drive traffic to those sites. In fact, in the past few months Pinterest has even surpassed Google+, YouTube and Linked In with the amount of referral traffic.
It’s easily re-shareable
If you’ve pinned an image and used good keywords, an image can go viral pretty quickly. Users can easily repin images via search or their activity feeds with only the click of a button. Try it here-
Pinterest is just one of many social media sites that can be used for marketing your business. If you’re not sure what to use or if you don’t have the time, the All n1 Power Plan from KO Websites may be for you. We’re the experts, and we are here to help!
For more information on using Pinterest for your business, check out these links:
9 Tips: Boost Your Business With Pinterest (
26 Tips for Using Pinterest for Business (Social Media Examiner)
56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest (Copyblogger)
Introducing Pin Deals (Sony)
By Heather Mellon / Staff
May 30th, 2012. 15:33 PDT