The Super Bowl XLVI Social Media Command Center

To the command center! 

The Super Bowl XLVI Social Media Command Center

In order to keep up with all the mayhem that comes with bringing the Super Bowl to your neighborhood (this year Indianapolis), there will be a Super Bowl Social Media Command Center.  The command center will be intercepting visiting tweeters in distress or tweeters who are simply in need of some helpful info and they will be launching counter tweets of help.  Such as people who need information on directions, parking, nearby attractions, and disaster preparedness.   The command center staff will do this with geo targeted Twitter keyword searches.


The command center has a geo targeted search for “eat ?”

Someone tweets: “Anyone know a decent place to eat in Indy?” or “I’m starving where can I eat around here?”

The command center can then intercept these tweets,  reach out to these people and direct them to a nearby place where they can get their grub on.

Command Center Specs:

  • 2800 SQ FT
  • Date of operation:  Today till the big dance Feb 4th.
  • Hours of operation: 15 hours a day
  • Staff: 20+
  • Ethernet Cable: 1 mile +
  • Network Screen Space: 150 SQ FT

“Social media is just how people interact now,” said Taulbee Jackson, CEO of Raidious, the digital marketing agency that the Super Bowl’s host committee tapped to manage the communications hub. “We felt it was critical to have some horsepower behind that aspect of the Super Bowl here, versus what you might have seen from other Super Bowls.” 

“We’re kind of breaking new ground here so we don’t know the exact numbers yet of what we’ll be dealing with, but we should be able to provide that after the game to other cities that have to deal with these types of issues,” Jackson said. “I think a lot of brands will start to see a need for something like this.”

Reference: Mashable