Who uses Twitter any way?
If you’re not using Twitter for your business yet, now may be the time to start.
Here are some stats from Pew Internet Project that might surprise you:
- Nearly 20% of Internet users now tweet, according to statistics from the Pew Internet Project. That’s an 8% jump from late 2008.*
- Twitter’s 18-24 demographic almost doubled in size over the past two years (from 19% of all Internet users to a remarkable 37%).
- Users between 34-44 jumped 10%, another significant jump in that it includes a high percentage of b2b and b2c prospects.
- Most users primarily visit the site to post status updates or stay on top of what’s happening with favorite celebrities, websites and companies.
- People that use other social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace are far more likely to post regularly on Twitter.
- The smallest pool of Twitter users continues to be prospects age 45-65. Still, that demographic grew by 10% during the past 15 months.* Source: “19 Percent of U.S. Internet Users Tweet,” Sales and Marketing Management Magazine, 7/31/10
Some Twitter facts from the SEOPRO’s at KO Websites:
- Did you know that you can higher people to tweet for you?
- Did you know that there are programs that auto tweet content
- Did you know that you can have people write a bunch of tweets for you and then load them into a program that auto tweets them throughout the day?
KO Websites does NOT condone these practices, but we thought you ought to know what’s out there. If you need help with setting up your twitter account, contact the SEOPRO’s at www.SEOpro.PRO today.